Free Money have immediately grabbing raucous indie rock tunes that have the potential to catapult them out of London's underground indie circuit, and onto major international festival stages. Check out their session below to see how essential this band are.
Very little material is available online but this session for 'What Did I Miss?', which was released earlier this year, is a great starting point - and conveys just why they along with Goat Girl and Dead Pretties are the capital's most essential new guitar band. Also out is the debut single 'Headful, which is less rowdy and more psychedelic but nevertheless gets you bouncing.
The four-piece only played their first gig as Free Money on 20 May so are making strong progress already, and having clinched a slot on Focus Wales next Spring - it hints that they're ready to make swift steps toward stardom.
The band were originally named Maui and having signed a management contract have been undergoing some development and relaunched themselves. They were only fluttering about the circuit for a few months before the industry got involved, though, and whoever it is that put belief into them was right to do so. They're awesome.
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