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by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Boyzone, One Direction 

Boyzone star tells One Direction to stick to drink - not drugs

Irish star speaks of pressures of pop fame


Boyzone star tells One Direction to stick to drink - not drugs Photo:

Boyzone star Shane Lynch has warned One Direction from taking drugs, saying that temptation can be great for youngsters at ther height of their fame.

Speaking of his own experiences of the presssure of pop stardom, Lynch tells The Irish Sun that One Direction will struggle in the years ahead, and that temptations will be high to experiment with illegal substances.

"You look at One Direction and there’s no easy way for them to find the road forward," says Lynch. "A drink is a drink and if you can stick to a drink, then fair enough. But if you get sucked into a world of drugs then who knows, you have to go through that to find out."

"Stay close friends and understand each other – and more to the point, understand each other when someone else is upset and leave them the f*** alone."

Will One Direction be tempted by drugs?

He also adds that Boyzone struggled greatly during their nineties prime, saying the boyband should have sought medical advice over the impact of such fame.

"I think Boyzone probably should have seen a psychiatrist at the height of our fame — but we didn’t," he added.

"We were young and it’s ridiculous when you look back. It’s a fierce, dangerous thing to be in as a kid. I remember fans nearly knocking in windows of our cars and jumping under the wheels to stop us moving."

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