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by Andrew Trendell | Photos by Shirlaine Forrest

Tags: Parklife Weekender 

Parklife-goer critically ill after protecting girlfriend from inflatable toy

Festival fan was assaulted and knocked unconscious


Parklife-goer critically ill after protecting girlfriend from inflatable toy Photo: Shirlaine Forrest

A man has been left in a critical condition after being assaulted for attempting to protect his girlfriend at this weekend's Parklife festival, it has been reported.

The Parklife Weekender in Manchester saw a number of other incidents, including two stabbings on the Saturday night

Now, Manchester Evening News reports that Saturday 7 June also left one 26-year-old man 'fighting for his life' after being punched for protecting his girlfriend from being struck repeatedly with an inflatable toy. 

The incident took place at around 9.15pm, just before headliner Snoop Dogg was due on stage. 

The victim is currently in Hope Hospital in a critical condition, as doctors treat a bleed to his brain. His parents from Macclesfield are currently at his bedside.

Appealing for witnesses, Chief Inspector Gary Simpson said: “His family are clearly distraught. His girlfriend and parents have been with him at the hospital throughout and that’s where out thoughts are.

"Hopefully, he will be making a recovery but he’s still in a serious critical condition."

Police are now searching for the alleged attacker - described as a mixed race man who is 6ft tall and aged about 25. He is ‘muscular’ and has short curly black hair which is shaved at the sides.

A spokesman from Parklife added: "We pride ourselves on a history of Parklife Weekender without any incidents. We regret that an isolated incident has taken place at this year's event, however medics were on the scene within minutes of it taking place. We will update as soon as we can and we are in constant contact with the medical services and police to help as much as possible. We urge festival goers to help the police identify the individual involved in the incident and contact them if they have any information at all."

Below: Crowd photos of Parklife 2014

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