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by Ed Keeble

Tags: Muse 

Happy birthday Matt Bellamy: Muse's funniest moments on film

The band who never seem to be able to keep a straight face


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Muse are one of the biggest bands in the world, they have six stellar albums under their belts but at the same time they still arse around like a band in their younger years - and they do it a lot. Seriously have a look through any of their interviews and they seem to spend most of the time in hysterics. They even go so far as to play their fair amount of practical jokes, including switching roles in one infamous appearance when miming on an Italian chat show.

It's refreshing to see a band with the stature of Muse being able to have a laugh, so to speak. In a world full of monumental egos and hissy fits, Matt Bellamy and friends have managed to retain the spirit of how they began. They're still just three lads playing bloody good music to huge stadiums of adoring fans, yet after all this success they are the same three awesome dudes. So in celebration of Matt Bellamy's birthday, here are Muse's funniest bits on film.

Watch clips of Muse holding it together in the video above

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