South African rap duo Die Antwoord have angrily accused the Suicide Squad, which has had some scathing reviews, of being "fake fucks" and stealing their unusual style.
The film which has become the highest opening weekend of Will Smith's career, was attacked by Die Antwoord's Yolandi Visserin in an Instagram post to 817K followers, that's long, scathing, and fearless.
"David Ayer u jocking our style" she claims. "Cara and Jared told us how much you were talking abt us on set but u never asked our permsiion to rip us off."
Emphasising her serious anger she adds: "Cum show ur pretty face at my studios. Uknow Muggs & u know where da Soul Assasin Studios at. we watin for u,"
She also posted a video alongside her rant which shows similarities between Ninja and the Joker’s ‘shirtless with tattoos and trench coat’ look, it also shows Yolandi and Harley Quinn both wear three watches, and strong similarities between the group’s and the film’s graffiti.
Read the full post, which also accuses Kanye West of being a fake, below.
Meanwhile, Die Antwoord have a new album called Mount Ninji and Da Nice time Kid out 16 September. Preview below