Photo: Press/Facebook
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club have cancelled all upcoming live shows as their drummer Leah Shapiro undergoes brain surgery.
Writing on the band's official Facebook that after suffering "dizziness, insomnia, headaches, tingling/numbness in my hands, stiff neck & pain" she was diagonosed with Chiari Malformations. As Shapiro explained, these malformations are structural defects in part of the brain and skull which control balance and other functions.
Shapiro writes that although taking heart from the fact that surgery is usually effective it has meant it was impossible for her to perform this weekend at a festival in Pomona, California.
"The bad news is that when Rob, Pete & I tried to rehearse this week for the Moon Block Festival on Saturday, I realized that the effects of this illness has made it impossible for me to play drums," Leah wrote. "I just can't do the music any justice right now. And so, it is with deep regret that we're going to have to pull out of the show on Saturday."
Shapiro remains optimistic about the future and seems to be facing the challenge ahead with considerable courage. "As you can imagine, I'm hardly looking forward to having my skull cracked open and my brain operated on, but it's the only thing that's going to help me get better. And while the thought of not being able to play drums for several months while I recover from the surgery totally sucks, I'm determined to make a full recovery and get back to playing music with Rob & Pete as soon as I can."
Shapiro joined Black Rebel Motorcycle Club in 2008 as a replacement for founder member Nick Jago. The band revealed earlier this month that they are currently in the studio mixing the audio for a live CD and DVD of their Specter at the Feast tour.
Below: Exclusive photos Black Rebel Club rocking London's Electric Ballroom