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by Andrew Trendell | Photos by WENN

Gary Glitter found guilty of string of child sex offences

Former star convicted for attempted rape and more


Gary Glitter child sex case: Star found guilty once again Photo: WENN

Convicted paedophile former pop star Gary Glitter has again been found guilty of a string of child sex offences. 

The 70-year-old ex-glam-rocker, real name Paul Gadd, was today (Thursday 5 February, 2015) convicted of a charge of attempted rape, four counts of indecent assault and one of sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of 13

Among the charges, Gadd stood trial for the attempted to rape of a schoolgirl under the age of ten when he crept into her bed in 1975 - as well as four counts of indecently assaulting another girl when she was under the age of 13 in 1977.

The court also heard how Glitter was said to have given the girl alcohol, aiming to ‘stupefy or overpower’ her to have sex with him between January and May 1977, as well as a count to have unlawful sex with her.

A third complainant brought two charges of indecent assault between October 1979 and December 1980.

Metro reports that after his 'shock' of hearing the verdicts, Glitter "blew kisses to a public gallery full of reporters as he was remanded in custody and led down to the cells".

Glitter is currently remanded in custody and will be sentenced on 27 February, 2015.

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