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Even the coolest bands looked AWFUL once
by Andrew Trendell | Photos by Press
Rock stars, eh? They've got it all figured out. Jetting around the globe to play to stadiums of screaming fans, posing for glossy magazine shoots and adorning posters on bedroom walls of hardcore fans everywhere - all whilst looking impeccably cool. Of course, it wasn't always this way.
We all have our embarassing photos from our youth, documented that awful haircut or poor choice of shell-suit, and musicians are no different. From Jay Z and Dr Dre to Coldplay and Muse, Lady Gaga and Lana Del Rey through to Metallica and Depeche Mode, the image of the world's biggest stars has come a long way since they found success.
See how many you can recognise, and have a good laugh. Here are 15 ridiculous press shots from bands and artists in their younger days.
Lawrence brothers were 'blown away' by revelation
'eez-eh' band touring in November
Legendary band will play 9 arena shows
Band ready to go 24 hours early
One booked whilst Metallica played Saturday
Lifetime film wasn't met with approval
Spell check, spell check, spell check
Parton set hailed as weekend highlight by many
'Bitter' singer boo-hoos about being on X Factor
'When Nicki Minaj spits, Nicki Minaj wrote it'
We salute you, mystery 'Liquid Gold'-snorter
Band also paid tribute to Bobby Womack
X shifts 182,000 copies in one week
Really, why isn't she headlining?
'Chocolate' stars prove their worth
It's a beautiful day down at Worthy Farm
The song was intended for Mary J Blige
Country star and others set to play final day
It seems the band won over their critics
The supergroup performed Rolling Stones covers
Band performed impressive 24-song set
Lazaretto man stuns with greatest hits set.
Band honour 20th anniversary of Glasto debut
'West Coast' icon tackles afternoon slot
Quote was made by Mogwai to Gigwise
Brighton duo pack out The John Peel Tent