They say all good things come to an end, so inevitably Glastonbury 2014 says adios for another year. For those that weren't there, it's a bit of a bloody relief, but if you were, prepare to enter into a devastating chasm of depression for the next few days.
For five days, Glastonbury becomes a sort of world of its own, so to enter back into the real one can become a bit of a shock. All of a sudden, you're swapping all night raves at Shangri La for a 7am start. A morning cider becomes a cup of tea. Basically, you have to act like a normal, functioning human being. It's difficult.
Here are 19 signs you are suffering from the dreaded Glastonbury blues. Good luck.
2. You wear your sunburn like a badge of honour
3. You can't ever see yourself ever cutting off your wristband
6. You haven't played Candy Crush for five days. You only have time for BBC Glasto coverage
7....and when you do watch it, you adopt the foetal position and scream "TAKE ME BAACK"
8. Your first drink today was not a warm cider. This felt unnatural.
9. It feels plain wrong to fall asleep to the sound of silence instead of Tarquin from the tent next door playing 'Creep' on his guitar at 4 AM
10. You become overwhelmed with an almighty fury anytime anyone who wasn't there criticises some Glastonbury footage online
11. Admit it - you feel a little bit superior to the people who weren't there
12. You can't contemplate the idea of going to work. It feels like going to the moon
13. You may not realise it just yet, but all of your Facebook friends and Instagram followers despise you
14. You almost spoke to a total stranger on the train to work because they were also wearing a Glasto wristband
15. Meals seem surreal and alien if they are not eaten from a polystyrene box or bread wrapped in a napkin
16. You still hold your breath when going to the toilet (even though you don't need to)
17. You've been invited on a night out, but decline because it doesn't look like this:
18. You're struggling to accept the fact that harem pants, a wig you found on the floor and face paint is not really an appropriate look for day-to-day life
19. You insist you don't need material things like the Internet, man, because you had a "moment" whilst at the Stone Circle at 5AM.
20. You're already pooling money together for next year's ticket.