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by Sean Kerwick | Photos by Wenn

Tags: Queen 

Brian May: 'I'm not anti-Tory, I'm anti-David Cameron

The guitarist offers his view on the 2015 election


Brian May declares himself as not anti-tory but anti-David Cameron Photo: Wenn

Brian May has spoken out against Prime Minister David Cameron in a recent interview, declaring himself as "not anti-tory but very anti-David Cameron."

The legendary Queen guitarist gave his views in a recent interview with The Big Issue.

"He stands for privilege, for the continuation and acceleration in the difference between the extremely rich and extremely poor," said May. "I find that iniquitous and almost beyond belief."

May famously spoke out against Cameron in the 2010 election when he found out the PM supported the 'sport' of fox hunting and the 'culling of badgers.' He set up the activist group Save Me (named after a Queen song of the same name) which aims to protect wildlife from these so-called 'sports'. May went on to say: "People who are prepared to ride roughshod over animals are also prepared to ride roughshod over humans. They shouldn’t be the people running our country."

Earlier this year, the rock star spoke out in favour of a "completely reformed House of Commons", and has encouraged young people to "get up off your ass and vote" as part of his Common Decency Project.

Watch one of May's campaign videos below



Brian May is set to feature on Adam Lambert's forthcoming album The Original High due out May 12.




Below: Awesome photos of Queen and Adam Lambert live in Assago

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