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by Alexandra Pollard | Photos by Screenshot, TMZ

Tags: Ariana Grande 

Ariana Grande blames doughnut licking on childhood obesity

The singer released a statement responding to the leaked CCTV footage


Ariana Grande doughnut licking video, statement blames it on obesity Photo: Screenshot, TMZ

After video footage emerged of her licking several doughnuts that were on display in a bakery, before proclaiming "I hate Americans. I hate America", Ariana Grande has released a statement that seems to claim that it was a statement on childhood obesity. 

CCTV footage, posted by TMZ, shows Grande and a friend taking it in turns to lick several doughnuts on display on top of the counter in a US bakery. When a bakery worker arrives with another tray of doughnuts, she loudly proclaims, "What the fuck is that? I hate Americans. I hate America. That's disgusting."

The video has achieved over 2.5 million views on YouTube and, unsurprisingly, has not attracted a particularly positive reaction.

Watch Ariana Grande licking doughnuts and saying "I hate America" below

Now, the singer has released a statement responding to what is surely the most bizarre celebrity controversy of the year. In it, she says, "What I said in a private moment with my friend, who was buying the donuts, was taken out of context and I am sorry for not using more discretion with my choice of words."

She continues, "As an advocate for healthy eating, food is very important to me and I sometimes get upset by how freely we as Americans eat and consume things without giving any thought to the consequences that it has on our health and society as a whole. The fact that the United States has the highest child obesity in the world frustrates me. We need to do more to edcuate ourselves and our children about the dangers of overeating and the poison that we put into our bodies." 

The statement begs a few questions. Firstly, what was she doing in a bakery that provides so much delicious "poison" in the first place if she's so worried? Secondly, when is she planning on apologising for licking doughnuts she wasn't planning on buying?

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