Donald Trump's Make America Great Again Celebration is underway and 3 Doors Down have taken to the stage much to the delight of Donald Trump who is seen signing along to this second rate Nickleback.
Elton John, Bruce Springsteen, Charlotte Church and just about anyone else who is still highly regarded in the music industry has turned down the gig but Trump is perfectly happy with his 3 Doors Down who are just one of his many ace bands playing.
Most artists subscribe to the John Legend notion which is a refusal of the invitation because, "Creative people tend to reject bigotry and hate," But 3 Doors Down singer Brad Arnold doesn't see it like that: "We love America,man, this is going to be a great experience, it's a great honour to be here, we're proud to be here."
The band took to stage to perform their song 'Kryptonite' and Donald Trump seemed to be having a great time. You can see him rocking out in his entirely
Trump mouthing along to 3 Doors Down is... quite something. pic.twitter.com/IH2VylLiTI
— Ryan Schwartz (@RyanSchwartz) January 19, 2017
3 Doors Down perform their song "Kryptonite" at the inaugural concert https://t.co/UYpqI3esEb https://t.co/nUuRnC3eiT
— CNN (@CNN) January 19, 2017
Melania Trump on the other hand seems less than impressed and delayed her applause for 3 Doors Down.
Melania Trump is all of us being forced to watch 3 Doors Down perform. pic.twitter.com/sH8jWZvR4o
— Fusion (@Fusion) January 19, 2017
The Twitter public see Trumps fan-boying of 3 Doors Down a worrying sign. @TheJohnTuriano tweeted: "If 3 Doors Down is the best band you can get to perform at your inauguration concert, you SUCK at making deals.
Other users are going with the popular joke that Trump is making jobs because it's the first 3 Doors concert they've seen in a while. Hoards of fans have admitted to deleting their music after seeing the show and many some have expressed their feelings that 3 Doors Down will never have a successful tour again.
But there's two sides to every coin and 3 Doors Down are gaining a new fanbase of pro Trump supporters
Love this #inauguralconcert - @3doorsdown is awesome @TobyKeithMusic rocked it & Lee Greenwood always makes me cry! #goodstuff
— Erica Strickland (@ELandDesigns) January 19, 2017
Elsewhere, Trumps inauguration committee told CNN that Kanye West wasn't invited to the inauguration because he is "not typically and traditionally American'" just goes to show what backwards archaic ways that Trump's personal values are going to have on the country.
Azealia Banks also who has created a lot of controversy for her support fo rTrump is actually a far more interesting performer than anyone on this bill and she too wasn't invited despite saying she would love to perform.
Here's the fan footage of the 3 Doors Down scene;
RT pibzedog: Les cérémonies de l'investiture de Trump ont commencé. Là, c'est 3 Doors Down. #doucesensualité #inau… pic.twitter.com/cEEctEyOrK
— Informations (@Bot_Hyros) January 19, 2017