Example's plan to promote his new music with a sponsored post on Facebook has gone a little bit wrong, with users of the social media network slamming the singer/rapper's music in the comments section of said post.
Example, real name Elliott Gleave, premiered his new track 'Kids Again' in a sponsored post on Facebook. Unfortunately, this meant it showed up on everyone's news feeds, including non-subscribers.
Just some of the comments on the post included "Pure shite", "Tosh", and "I'll pass", with one user even questioning how he got a record contract. The below image has since been shared across social media, despite receiving numerous positive comments since from genuine fans of the chart topper.
Example has also today been added to the line-up of this year's Great Escape festival in Brighton, where he will perform as one of the big name acts at the Brighton event, which showcases the best new bands and coolest stars in modern music. Facebook users need not apply.
For more information and ticket info, visit Gigwise Gig Tickets.