Coldplay's Chris Martin has deadpanned a strange and wonderful story about how he came to write a song for Angelina Jolie's new film Unbroken - she had him kidnapped by ex-Navy SEALs. There is a 0.0001% chance that any of this is true, but just imagine if it was.
Martin attended an insufferable-sounding Hollywood luncheon this week, where he discussed his song, 'Miracles', which plays over the closing credits of the Jolie-directed Unbroken.
When asked by Vulture how he came to work on the film, Martin, clearly bored, told a very strange story, which we will reproduce here in full.
"I got a message that said, 'Meet in this undisclosed location. You'll be blindfolded and picked up by seven ex–Navy SEALs.' So they kidnapped me, hit me over the head, and sprayed me with Mace. When I woke up, I was in an office, and Brad Pitt was doing push-ups as Angelina Jolie was just sitting there with her crown on.
"There was also a guy holding a knife to my throat, and she said, 'Write me a song, or else.' And Brad Pitt said, 'Yeah. What she said.' We wrote a song and then she said, 'It's through to the final eight,' and then we had live eliminations at her house. We came in second, but the main guy chickened out."
Just wow.