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by Andy Morris | Photos by Press

Tags: Azealia Banks

Azealia Banks has finally released Broke With Expensive Taste

Originally set for release in September 2012


Azealia Banks has finally released Broke With Expensive Taste

Photo: Press

Over 1000 days since Azealia Banks released '212', she has finally released her long delayed album Broke With Expensive Taste. 

Slated originally for release in September 2012, Banks has battled fellow rappers, Lily Allen, Perez Hilton, the record industry at large and so much more. The album's release is now scheduled for 7 November (according to Spotify).

As previously reported Theophilus London features on the album, although 'ATM Jam' is absent (presumably as its owned by Universal or the fallout from the feud with Pharrell Williams).

1. 'Idle Delilah'
2. 'Gimme a Chance'
3. 'Desperado'
4. 'JFK' (feat. Theophilus London)
5. '212' (feat. Lazy Jay)
6. 'Wallace'
7. 'Heavy Metal and Reflective'
8. 'BBD'
9. 'Ice Princess'
10. 'Yung Rapunxel'
11. 'Soda'
12. 'Chasing Time'
13. 'Luxury'
14. 'Nude Beach A-Go-Go'
15. 'Miss Amor'
16. 'Miss Camaraderie'


Below: Azealia Banks conquers Glastonbury


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